I left a cult, came out of the closet, and moved across the country. Finally, I started living.


With 7 years experience as a nurse, I know people. I have always had a desire to connect to others and be a part of the transformative experiences of being human. To me, there is nothing more invigorating than creating space for healing, growth, and transformation. Using my background in healthcare and my innate desire to challenge the limits we create for ourselves, I coach with passion and love.

My coaching and programs will help you make the mind, body, soul connection to uncover the most authentic version of yourself, step into your full expression, and create the life you desire in alignment with your values and passions.

 Visit my offering's page to see how you can work with me to discover how to live the life you desire. 

Transformation begins in the mind.

Here are the 3 beliefs that changed my life and are now fundamental to my coaching framework.


I am the creator of my own reality. 


Life is happening for me, not to me.


I am exactly where I need to be.



Growing up as a gay skater girl in a conservative religious cult, I experienced what it is like to be extremely out of alignment.

I spent a lot of time hating who I was. I couldn't face the facts, so I denied my sexuality, gave up my passions, and desperately tried to become someone I wasn't.

I couldn't sustain relationships, I was creating a lot of chaos in my life, and I was unfilled and unhappy with the trajectory of my life.

Right after I turned 25, I moved across the country on a travel nursing contract, hired a life coach, came out of the closet, and began turning my life around. I stepped into becoming the creator in my life rather than the victim of it.

I began to explore what it was like to follow joy and desire, rather than fear and obligation. As I followed the things that brought me joy, I came to life. More than that, I came into myself.

After a couple years of leaning into what felt like the real Micah, I saw another way in which I felt misalignment in my life: my career. I was working as a nurse - burnt out, frustrated by healthcare, and unfulfilled in the work. 

I tried to ignore the nudges, but the nudges turned into pushes, and push came to shove. So I left healthcare. Despite the fear of the unknown and the uncertainty of my future, I chose to believe that I could have a career that was fulfilling, abundant, and life-giving for me all while helping other people.

To cut to the chase - I became a coach. My coaching is a remarkable combination of my passions, desires, and skills.

I created the life I desired, and I have a drive to help others do the same.


“Imagine combining a wizard, an infinite soul, and a vitality of youth - this is my experience being coached by Micah. 

In one vivid session, we explored my inner masculine & inner feminine through a guided visualization that was fantastical and practical at the same time, all while I was sitting cross-legged in a park!”


“I developed practices to support my nervous system so I could feel safe enough to begin to imagine an alternative vision for myself. I am slowly but surely becoming this new empowered woman that I first envisioned with Micah. I am so grateful and proud of how quickly I am able to recover from activated states nowadays.”
