Select the program that would be best for you.


This is a program for high-performers who want to reconnect to themselves – their vision, their creativity, and their purpose – in other words, their FLOW. The program focuses on self-mastery, stress management, and deepening presence and connection with self.

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MicroDose, MacroChange

This is a 6-week long program designed to help individuals explore a holistic alternative improving their mental health. The program focuses on belief shifting, thought pattern disruption, and creating new emotional states with mindset tools.

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So you've heard about the benefits of microdosing...


If you feel like no matter how hard you try, it's never good enough, you're not alone.

Despite growing workloads, studies show that 80% of young adults still feel like they are falling short. With a staggering majority of the population feeling the same way, it can only mean one thing. Our lifestyle needs to change.

This masterclass in self-love will help you do just that. With interactive lessons for your mind, body, and soul, you'll learn how to disconnect from the world around you and connect and care for the incredible person you are inside.

Because you are so worth it!

Ready to find out what all the rage is about?

With expert guidance and group support, you've found a safe place to explore what it means to connect with yourself, change your mind, and create the life you were meant for without the blocks.


I wear many hats - skateboarder, partner, business owner, retired nurse, daughter, sister, and lover of fried pickles. I am passionate about helping others get clear on the blocks keeping them from the people they want to be and the lives they want to create so that we can strategize together how to navigate those blocks and, ultimately, go beyond them.

Humans are so rad. We are these multi-faceted beings capable of extraordinary things. Yet, sometimes we lose touch with who we truly are. I would love to help you get really clear on who you are, what you offer to the world, and the vision you have for your life.

Join me on a journey of self-discovery, reconnection, and clarity.


"I cannot more highly suggest this program if you are struggling with a more standard way of therapy. I am incredibly thankful to Micah and the group that I work with for being by my side as I work towards a peaceful and fulfilling life."

Emily Shapiro, MDMC

"Tuesday my mom commented on how I seemed so much more grounded, Thursday my sister said I seemed less anxious."

Anonymous, MDMC