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HelpingĀ you get out of your own way


Go Deep
Level Up

Jamie B.

ā€œWhen I first started working with Micah, I really struggled with advocating for myself and taking up space in relationships when it came to my needs. In a few short weeks, I noticed a shift in my mindset and started allowing myself to voice needs and wants in my life and to stand firm on that. Micah has really opened my mind to new ways of thinking and given me skill sets that will continue to help me grow for a lifetime.ā€

Kolbi H.

ā€œMicah is such an uplifting, supportive and genuine guide. She is ever grounded and loving in the way she holds space for the parts that need extra love and encouragement while amplifying the parts that already feel empowered. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to work and cultivate my path and limitlessness with her.ā€

Lizzy H.

ā€œIt was like instant freedom.
I accomplished what I wanted:Ā got out of my slump,Ā started to be open to relationships again like I really want (nothing has happened but the opportunities are arising and they are aligned), started creating and at least doodling or journaling and dancing almost daily.

Now that I am back to myself and feeling like I have a handle again on my life with the thanks seriously to all of this I would absolutely love to do it again. I feel far less like Iā€™m drowning and would like to see where it can take me back at that neutral and blissed baseline."


ā€œImagine combining a wizard, an infinite soul, and a vitality of youth - this is my experience being coached by Micah.Ā 

In one vivid session, we explored my inner masculine & inner feminine through a guided visualization that was fantastical and practical at the same time, all while I was sitting cross-legged in a park!ā€


LifeĀ CoachĀ & Psychedelic GuideĀ 


I grew up a skateboarder hopping fences.

From an early age, I have been interested in what's beyond the limits. I want to know what might be possible if we take the big risks of going beyond the fences we set for ourselves.

I coach because I want to help people go beyond where they believe the limits exist. I want to challenge their beliefs about the world and themselves. I help people create a vision that will feel so exciting that it will shift their
thinking, inspire action, and create desired results.



Become the person you want to be.

Create the life you want to live.Ā 

Here's how you can work with me.

Private 1:1Ā Coaching

Get clear on your vision, overcome blocks, and strategize ways to become the person you want to be while living the life you want to live. This highly individualized support is tailored to you to ensure your success. Book a call below toĀ see if 1:1 coaching spot is the right fit.


Guided MicrodosingĀ Programs

Learn to integrate the tool of microdosing with guidance in aĀ supportive community. These virtual programs provide access modules on how to change beliefs, shift thinking patterns, and create new ways of showing up in the world.


RetreatsĀ & Wellness Days

When she's not coaching, traveling, or skateboarding, Micah is organizing wellness days, psychedelic journeys, and small curatedĀ gatherings for clients to have aĀ profound experience in the reconnection to themselves, their relationships, and their vision and purpose.